Print Based Publication 

Image Making

Our task was to generate a four page publication using new experimental techniques we had never used before. I chose to viusally reflect the theme of human emotion.

I decided to explore collage, photo montage, layering, mixing digital & analogue, and mashing imagery together through photo manipulation. ​​​​​​​
Lose Yourself

This piece depicts the deep grief and suffering of losing yourself from emotional loss. I wanted to visually express the volatile journey one may face after a breakup or rejection from a person they became close with. 

The aim was to show human feelings visually through the fluid waves of dissociation, delusion and perception of the past as a result of someone leaving without explanation. I wanted to show how within a few moments there can be a dramatic shift in the human mind. The image depicts the heartbreak of abscence as the outside world becomes incredibly isolated and still. ​​​​​​​

Electric Feel

I wanted to show the energy exchanged between two people through a kiss. It is a temporary transaction of positive feelings. I wanted to show the buzzy feel good energy and unusual stillness of the moment. ​​​​​​​

Never Pause

I wanted to visually express what severe overthinking may feel like. The image captures the chaotic, unpredictable and unsolicited nature of harmful thoughts. These thoughts spiral and feed off each other until the negative thoughts are unbearable. These emotions are contained within the mind and the brain never stops thinking. These busy thoughts cycle through the mind and can not be stopped easily. The mind will never pause when you wish everything could slow down. 

Suffer in Silence

This image shows the pressures of society and family life that men are expected to carry in silence. A man must be a strong provider and there is no space for him to open up about how he is feeling.

A man suffers a life of quiet desperation hoping to escape his dull reality but must first take care of his responsibilities. The aim was to create tension between an unspoken solitude and the warmth of the family environment that is dependent on him.  ​​​​​​​

Image Making


Image Making


Creative Fields